Home OPD


At Khusi Diabetes Care, we provide OPD treatment to patients. OPD stands for Outpatient Department, which comprises doctor consultations, medicine orders, dental care, lab tests, and many more. You get all under one roof at Khusi Diabetes Care.
Decoding OPD
Not all injuries and illnesses require getting admitted to the hospital. It’s possible to treat them without hospitalization. In an OPD, patients usually consult the best diabetes doctor in Bhubaneswar in clinics or hospitals regarding health-related concerns. Standing for outpatient department treatment, diabetes consultation can effectively happen in an OPD.
At Khusi Diabetes Care, we operate through the following agenda:
  • Identification at an early stage and beginning with its treating the disease and complications associated with it
  • Optimizing the treatment goals
  • Spreading awareness, educating, and counseling
  • Research
  • Book Your appointment

    Why Choose Us?

    At Khusi Diabetes Care, we render affordable and excellent care for diabetic patients. Below are some of the reasons that make us the best diabetes care facility in town.
  • We make sure the patients who trust us know everything that’s happening to them. We strive to make them comfortable by providing a sanitized, healthy, and welcoming environment.
  • Everyone in our facility, including staff, nurses, and doctors, is skilled and highly experienced. So, rest assured, knowing that you’ll be in safe hands.
  • Khusi Diabetes Care employs the use of advanced technology.