Day Care Treatment

Home Day Care Treatment

Day Care Treatment

Khusi Diabetes Care also extends daycare treatment for procedures or treatments requiring hospitalization for less than 24 hours.
Decoding Day Care Treatment
Daycare procedures require you to be hospitalized for a maximum of 24 hours, which involves some minor treatments, medical procedures, or surgeries. Thanks to the constantly evolving technology and medical science. The procedures that once required prolonged hospitalization are now performed easily within a couple of hours.

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Why Choose Us?

At Khusi Diabetes Care, we render affordable and excellent care for diabetic patients. Below are some of the reasons that make us the best diabetes care facility in town.
  • We make sure the patients who trust us know everything that’s happening to them. We strive to make them comfortable by providing a sanitized, healthy, and welcoming environment.
  • Everyone in our facility, including staff, nurses, and doctors, is skilled and highly experienced. So, rest assured, knowing that you’ll be in safe hands.
  • Khusi Diabetes Care employs the use of advanced technology.