Diabetic Foot Care

Home Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Foot Care Treatment

At Khusi Diabetes Care, we address one of the most painstakingly dreadful causes of diabetes: Foot care treatment. Say goodbye to sores, cuts, and blisters that once made the pain unbearable. In case the condition worsens, we’ve board-certified surgeons to perform minor surgeries.
Decoding Foot Care Treatment
Diabetes can be damaging to your feet; even a little cut can have negative effects. Hence, diabetic foot care is crucial. Diabetes can harm your nerves and rob you of feeling in your feet. Diabetes may also lessen blood flow to the feet, which makes it more difficult to heal wounds and fend off infections. You might not notice a foreign object in your shoe as a result of these issues. You can consequently get a sore or a blister. This might result in an infection or a wound that doesn't heal, which could put you in danger of needing an amputation.
Diabetes is only one of the many problems that foot and ankle surgeons treat in patients of all ages, including those that are simple to complex. Foot and ankle surgeons have the extensive knowledge and expertise necessary to undertake a variety of procedures, including any that may be required for diabetic foot care.
At Khusi Diabetes Care, we operate through the following stages to ensure the disease is treated right from the root.
  • Routine check-ups for identification of any potential risks in their early stages and treatment of already existing foot problems.
  • Recommend a suitable diet for maintaining the blood sugar levels
  • Regular dressing every day for the speedy recovery of the diabetic foot.
  • Minor surgical treatments to treat corns, pus formations, callus, gangrene, and cellulitis.
  • Recommend diabetic footwear to ease tension from the pressure points.
  • Foot care is an essential aspect of avoiding complications. Therefore, all patients are counseled about the same.
  • Book Your appointment

    Why Choose Us?

    At Khusi Diabetes Care, we render affordable and excellent care for diabetic patients.Below are some of the reasons that make us the best diabetes care facility in town.
  • We make sure the patients who trust us know everything that’s happening to them. We strive to make them comfortable by providing a sanitized, healthy, and welcoming environment. 
  • Everyone in our facility, including staff, nurses, and doctors, is skilled and highly experienced. So, rest assured, knowing that you’ll be in safe hands. 
  • Khusi Diabetes Care employs the use of advanced technology.